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Hopewell ARP Midweek Sermon

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Proverbs 2:1–9

1My son, if you receive my words,

And treasure my commands within you,

2So that you incline your ear to wisdom,

And apply your heart to understanding;

3Yes, if you cry out for discernment,

And lift up your voice for understanding,


If you seek her as silver,

And search for her as for hidden treasures;

5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD,

And find the knowledge of God.

6 For the LORDgives wisdom;

From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

7He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;

He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;

8He guards the paths of justice,

And preserves the way of His saints.

9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice,

Equity and every good path.

Seeking Wisdom, FindingGod

Main idea: we must devote ourselves to receiving

God’s wisdom as His own provision of Himself

Introduction:we must respond to wisdom’s invitation, but howshould we, and what should

we expect?

1. What We Must Do(v1–4)

a. Receive (v1a)/Incline your ear (v2a)

b. Treasure (v1b)/Treasures (v4)

c. Apply your heart (v2b)

d.Pray (v3)

2. What (Whom!) We Find(v5–6)

a.Understanding wisdom is understanding the fear of YHWH (v5a)

b.Finding the knowledge of God, of a Being

c. Wisdom comes not as an achievement but as a gift (v6a)

d. The gift is not merely transactional or operational but personal, “from His mouth” (v6b)

3. What He does (v7–9)

a. Provision (v7a). Abundantly (“store up”) provide effective/successful decisions/actions

(“sound wisdom”)

b.Protection (v7b). He is a shield.

c. Preservation (v8). Keeps us in the right path.(more on this in the rest of the chapter)

d.Preparation (v9). Equipping for every good work.

Conclusion:if, by God’s grace, you attend upon and treasure Him by way of His Word, you will

find that He is attending upon and treasuring you (“His saints,” v8b)!